

 Ek HARI दूर एक बड़े से खेत के बीच एक आदमी दिखाई दे रहा था। सुबह के 6:00 रहे थे। चारों तरफ दूर-दूर तक केवल मैदान ही था। कानों में पानी की मीठी सी सरसराती हुई आवाज कानों में पढ़ रही थी। जब मैंने उस ओर देखा दूर एक खेतों के बीच कोई था। कान पट्टी, बड़े जूते, जिन्हें अंग्रेजी में clogs भी कहते हैं, जो कि आधे मिट्टी में धसे हुए थे। सुहानी हवा चारों ओर, सुनसान, सुकून सा माहौल था। जमीन को गीली करने के लिए वह लगातार नहर बनाए जा रहा था। नवंबर का महीना था चारों तरफ से ठंड आ रही थी।  आजकल बिजली का समय बदल चुका था। रात 11:00 बजे से 2:00 बजे तक और सुबह 6:00 बजे से 12:00 तक का हो चुका था। जब वह हरि मेरे पास आया। मैंने अपना परिचय उसे दिया। वह अपना परिचय मुझे देने लगा। "हरि" एक ऐसा शब्द मुझे लगता है जिसका मतलब कृष्ण भगवान से क्योंकि उन्हें भी हरी कहा जाता था। वह भी अर्जुन के सारथी थे और यह भी पटेल बा का सारथी है। वह भी अर्जुन की पूरी तरह मदद करते थे यह भी पटेल बा की पूरी तरह मदद करता है। मुझे लगता है यह शब्द वहीं से आया है हरि।  उसने अपना नाम कैलाश बताया और कहने लगा।  "दादा भाई," र...


 Hey it is a first part of story. There is a boy Name AKAI. He is working on blender and looking for a different characters. He find some new characters new design new shape new look. One day when he continuously working and then..........




VAKRAJAN ! . AKKHI AND THE HALF BRUNT BOOK  NOVEL AND SKETCH BY AKSINGH   So this is the part of the story which is quite special or memorable for me.  I have already made its imaginary picture, you will get to see it if you go to my Instagram ID @sisodiyayuvraj0 . Now it's story time. In this imaginary vision you will see that there is a girl among the evil creature. The girl name is PAAKHI. Because it fascinates me within itself because it is the medium or the whole path is under the control of dust.   The name of that destructive dust was VAKRAJAN which was waiting for her for many years. Why he is waiting? It's a secret! The other or his friend is trying to kill that eternal dust for her help which is just like a dream.   She could not even try to try to touch it but at the end of the story when the girl remains under the control of Dust then Riya calls out to her and tries to save her. Here is the poster of novel AAHBB THANK-YOU!


       Remember that, "Don't put hand where smell is splendid."  In a dark night when a MRIGDUM realised his energy and that aromatic  patrichor like smell and then a hard bubbles. Create peace before deadly encounter. "STORY TIME"-> By the time Akkhi met MRIGDUM, a lot had changed. This soil was hidden in a cave 50 feet below the ground. A lengend soil with the help of which the place named AKSHANTA came into existence. But It no longer existed. This soil had its own charm. Many students became and were becoming scholars in this soil. And then one day an accident happened inside the school. A evil man was born in the accident. To be born means to return. The person did everything within his control. Many people were brought to the brink of death and close to death. And now, after completely destroying that place, scaring everyone away, he is still occupying it. Thank you for visiting✌️✨ Novel now available  check the  link   AKKHI AND HAL...

Synopsis-Akkhi And The Half Burnt Book

Title : Akkhi And   The   Half Burnt Book AUTHOR NAME: YUVRAJ SINGH SISODIYA (AK_SINGH)   Introduction: In a quaint traditional school that has stood the test of time, an ominous shadow looms as admissions decline, and whispers of closure grow louder. The school, once a beacon of learning and community, now faces a dire threat to its existence. Amidst this uncertainty, a series of mysterious events and tragic deaths cast a pall over the institution, leaving its inhabitants wary and fearful. Yet, amidst the gathering darkness, a glimmer of hope emerges as the granddaughter of one of the deceased embarks on a journey to unravel the secrets haunting the school's hallowed halls. Conflict Incident: This conflict traces its roots back to years ago when a division emerged among the students, separating those who represented the traditional values of the school from those who did not. This division, fueled by arrogance and opposition, sparked the formation of a separ...

Abhi and their character

  Meet them. This is Abhi. He is a very patient person. A fictional novel has also been written on him. His mention in the novel became very popular. His contribution was from beginning to end. There came a time in the novel that he also felt very sad for the loss of his father. But he didn't waver. The novel was long. Abhi's character is quite creative. The part of the half-burnt book he has that becomes both the cause and the pain of this journey. The book that forms the basis of the entire story. Choy is a small, cheerful creature whose height is 2.5 feet, 1.4 feet wide. This man is sharp in mind and quick in calculation. This is abhi's old companion who always lives with muity Bros in a beautiful cave near the old church. Choy was the first to get "Choti Cave". Which is the most beautiful and popular among all places. Apart from muity Bro's, they can also be called Beauty Bro's because they are quite beautiful. These two are twins but also opposite to ...

Art and their stories

  Welcome to 2022. Believe this year you will also grow. Will keep smiling💙✨ This picture is from when I was studying for IIT Design entrance exam in Bhopal. This Mother Goddess temple is present in the middle of the hill there. From where the Raja Bhoj Airport of Bhopal and the finest Raj Bhoj Tal are also visible. The dogs here which are shown in the picture are the security personnel there who spend their daily routine there day and wiil be surprised ro know that this temple has been built by just one pandit by breaking the stones, exploding, which today he has to take out the time of old age. This is a charcoal painting. Which is in my own style. This picture is related to the animals that we see around us. and whom we worship. Hy guys this is too in my own style painting. You know how big a hand others play or sometimes indirectly when there is trouble in our house. But it does happen.  This situation happens in most of the houses. Based on that, this picture p...